DVC, Research, Innovation and Strategic Partnerships
The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research, Innovation and Strategic Partnerships), Professor Oluyemisi Adefunke Bamgbose is the Chair, University of Ibadan Ethics Research Review Board (ERRB) https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjPhfSRkf_-AhVKXcAKHdSwBR0QFnoECBEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ui.edu.ng%2Fnews%2Fdvc-risp-professor-oluyemisi-adefunke-bamgbose-san-fciarb&usg=AOvVaw2dC5Gv-usjyzMrHPo--z7X
Director Research Management Office

Jegede is a Professor and the Director of the University of Ibadan Research Management Office (RMO). He has over 25 years of Teaching and research experience as Sociologist, Anthropologist and Bioethicist. He is the Chair of Social Science and Humanities Research Ethics Committee (SSHREC) and member of the University of Ibadan/University College Health Research Ethics Committee (UI/UCHHREC). He was a member of the technical working group that drafted the National Code for Health Research Ethics and the National Bioethics Framework and Policy. He has served as Head of Department and Dean of Faculty. He is the Deputy Director of African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Centre of Excellence in Non-Communicable Diseases (ARUA CoE-NCDs).
Apart from many scholarships and fellowships to his credit, he has received recognition and prizes for his contributions to science and development, nationally and globally including the World Academy of Sciences prize in Social Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries for 2019; a joint winner of the 2017 Nigeria Prize for Science; the MacMillan Nigeria Publishing Company Authors Merit Award in 2013; and the 2nd World-wide competition for young Sociologists prize in 1994.
Jegede has and is still serving in many reputable positions. He is a member of the National Steering Committee on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) in Nigeria; member of the Nigeria COVID-19 Research Consortium (NCRC); Chair of the Social Science Working Group (SSWG) of the NCRC and member of the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) of the NCRC; member of the National Risk Communication Technical Working Group (NRCTWG) of the NCDC. He is a member of the Special Thematic Working Group on Maternal, Neonatal, Children and Women Health (STWG-MNCWH) of the Board of the University of Ibadan Research Foundation (UI-Research Foundation) and the Council of the Think Tank for Translating Research to Innovations, Strategies and Evidence for Policies in Nigeria. He is a member of the Global Emerging Pathogen Treatment Consortium (GET) Ethics, Community Engagement, Patient Advocacy (ECPAS) Working Group. Jegede is a member of the Governance Board of the Pan African University Institute of Life and Earth Sciences (including Health and Agriculture, PAULESI)

Daniel Oluwayelu is a Professor of Veterinary Microbiology with a special interest in Virology. His research is focused on surveillance and diagnosis of endemic and emerging arthropod-borne/zoonotic viral diseases of livestock, companion animals and wildlife at the human-animal-ecosystem interface. He has used classical and genomics-based/molecular techniques to provide valuable information on the occurrence, distribution and genetic diversity of viral pathogens of animal and public health importance in Nigeria including infectious bursal disease, chicken infectious anaemia, avian influenza and several mosquito-, midge- and tick-borne viruses such as West Nile, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, Simbu serogroup and Rift Valley fever viruses. He possesses requisite research skills and competencies in laboratory biosafety and biosecurity, arbovirus disease surveillance, and diagnosis of viral haemorrhagic fevers following training received at world-renowned training and research centers including the African Center for International Laboratory Training, Johannesburg, South Africa, the Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, USA, and the Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers and Arboviruses Laboratory, Public Health England, Porton Down, United Kingdom. He has been Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI or Collaborator on various projects including University of Ibadan Senate Research Grants, the MacArthur Foundation-funded grant for the Center for Control and Prevention of Zoonoses, University of Ibadan, and the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) Extramural Research Grant on Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers and their Reservoirs in Nigeria. He is a Collaborator on the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Grant for establishment of the Humboldt Research Hub for Zoonotic Arbovirus Diseases (HRH-ZAD), University of Ibadan. In addition, Prof. Oluwayelu has served as resource person at workshops on the use of genomics in infectious disease diagnosis and capacity building for surveillance and diagnosis of viral zoonoses both within and outside the country. He is a Fellow, College of Veterinary Surgeons Nigeria (FCVSN), Full Member, the American Society for Virology (ASV) and Member, American Society for Microbiology (ASM).
Tel: Tel: +234-8067618544; E-mail: ogloryus@yahoo.com; doluwayelu@ui.edu.ng

Secretary/REC Administrator
Dr IYIOLA Olatunji Mukaila is a Master’s degree holder in Personnel Administration. He is a trained Research Administrator in the Research Management Office, and the resident Research Administrator at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan. He is a holder of Diploma in Research Ethics and a 2020 U.S. Fogarty-CBR Bioethics Fellow. He has also received several training certificates in research ethics, which include Institutional Review Board Member; Institutional Review Board Administration; Revision of the Nigerian National Code for Health Research Ethics; Animal Biosafety/Biosecurity; among others. He has attended and presented papers in local and international Research Ethics and education conferences and workshops
www.globaledunet.org https://journals.ui.edu.ng>ajem https://youtu.be/YH5fw5AtXYw
Dr Iyiola is a recipient of the 2023 IREX-University Administration Support Program Fellowship in Research Management, certified by the George Mason University, U.S.A.
+234 803 387 2847
+234 913 336 1896
Member’s structure
1 | Prof. Victoria O. Adetunji | Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Milk Hygiene and Food Safety/Microbiology | Chairperson |
2 | Prof. Lameed G. A. | Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, Faculty of Natural Renewable Resources | Range/Environmental Primate Ecology | Member |
3 | Prof. Morenikeji Olajumoke A. | Zoology, Faculty of Science | Parasitology, Ecology | Member |
4 | Prof. Olufunke E. Ola-Davies | Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Biochemistry Environmental | Member |
5 | Prof. Abu O. A. | Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture | Animal Science | Member |
6 | Dr, Adegbolagun M. Olayemi | Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy | Photochemistry of Drugs and Medicinal Compounds | Member |
7 | Prof. Abiodun Oyindamola O. | Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences | Chemotherapy/Ethno Pharmacology | Member |
8 | Dr Comfort O. Aiki-Raji | Veterinary Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Virology and Immunology | Member |
9 | Dr. Temitope O. Lawal | Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy | Natural Products, Antimicrobial Agents | Member |
10 | Dr. Adesokan H. K. | Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Meat Hygiene and Zoonoses | Member |
11 | Dr. A. A. Oyagbemi | Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Cardiovascular Toxicity | Member |
12 | Dr. A. M. Ajayi | Therapeutics and Pharmacology Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences | Ethnopharmacology | Member |
13 | Dr J. O. Olanlokun | Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences | Membrane Biochemistry/Biotechnology | member |
14 | Dr. Chukwu Angela | Statistics, Faculty of Science | statistician | Statistician/ Member |
15 | Dr. Ajagunna Folakemi O. | Faculty of Law | Private and Property Law | Lawyer/ Member |
16 | Rev. Akinwale Diekola G. | Bodija-UI Community | Lay person | Lay person/ Member |
17 | Mrs. Tope Ogunremi | Ajibode area | Lay person | Lay person/member |
18 | Dr Iyiola Olatunji M. | Research Management Office (RMO) | Research Administrator/Secretary | Secretary/REC Administrator |
The Committee is comprised of:
- Chair: A professor of Veterinary Medicine or Animal Medicine appointed by the Vice Chancellor
- One experienced scientist from each of the faculties of: Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture (Animal Science, Wildlife and Fisheries) Social Science (Psychology), Science (Zoology), Pharmacy; and Basic Medical Sciences.
- One Statistician; one Lawyer; two community representatives (lay persons: one male and one female).
- Secretary/REC Administrator from the Research Management Office