Professor Daniel Oladimeji OLUWAYELU
Tel: +234-8067618544; E-mail: ogloryus@yahoo.com; doluwayelu@ui.edu.ng
Daniel Oluwayelu is a Professor of Veterinary Microbiology with a special interest in Virology. His research is focused on surveillance and diagnosis of endemic and emerging arthropod-borne/zoonotic viral diseases of livestock, companion animals and wildlife at the human-animal-ecosystem interface. He has used classical and genomics-based/molecular techniques to provide valuable information on the occurrence, distribution and genetic diversity of viral pathogens of animal and public health importance in Nigeria including infectious bursal disease, chicken infectious anaemia, avian influenza and several mosquito-, midge- and tick-borne viruses such as West Nile, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, Simbu serogroup and Rift Valley fever viruses. He possesses requisite research skills and competencies in laboratory biosafety and biosecurity, arbovirus disease surveillance, and diagnosis of viral haemorrhagic fevers following training received at world-renowned training and research centers including the African Center for International Laboratory Training, Johannesburg, South Africa, the Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, USA, and the Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers and Arboviruses Laboratory, Public Health England, Porton Down, United Kingdom. He has been Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI or Collaborator on various projects including University of Ibadan Senate Research Grants, the MacArthur Foundation-funded grant for the Center for Control and Prevention of Zoonoses, University of Ibadan, and the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) Extramural Research Grant on Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers and their Reservoirs in Nigeria. He is a Collaborator on the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Grant for establishment of the Humboldt Research Hub for Zoonotic Arbovirus Diseases (HRH-ZAD), University of Ibadan. In addition, Prof. Oluwayelu has served as resource person at workshops on the use of genomics in infectious disease diagnosis and capacity building for surveillance and diagnosis of viral zoonoses both within and outside the country. He is a Fellow, College of Veterinary Surgeons Nigeria (FCVSN), Full Member, the American Society for Virology (ASV) and Member, American Society for Microbiology (ASM).